Waukesha, WI 53186 Duplainville Junction (population, 70,718) Place
GPS: N 43.0736, W 88.1967 Google map
Scanner: CP 161.520 [94]; CN 161.295 [79]
Railroads: Canadian Pacific Soo Line Division, Watertown Sub; CN (WC) Wisconsin Division, Waukesha Sub
Description: Duplainville is a junction, not a town, 3 miles North of Waukesha, Wisconsin (N 43.011, W 88.231) and
about 15 miles west of Milwaukee, in Southeastern Wisconsin. The CP double main crosses the CN (former Wisconsin
Central) single main. This is just off a rural road and best parking is on Marjean Lane west of Duplainville Road near
the junction. I created this page in 2014, and visited there in September of 2016. All of the industry near the
tracks have their parking lots posted No Trespassing and the parking on Marjean lane is limited. I found the sight lines
very limited by vegetation. It was nothing at all like portrayed in some pictures in TRAINS Magazine. Seems that
visiting in early Spring might improve this situation, but additionally one railfan told me that the local police are not
friendly to railfans and strictly enforce no trespassing zones including RR property. Report from only one railfan should
not be taken as absolute but with the other negatives, I will probably not railfan there again.
Approximate # trains per 24 hours: Approximately 50 trains per day cross the diamond, including the Amtrak
Empire Builder in the afternoon.
Local breakfast: The Crossing Restaurant, 22951 Watertown Rd, (Hiway M), 2 miles (N43.05754, W 88.20391)
Ice Cream: Culvers, 21300 W Capitol Dr, Pewaukee, WI (N43.08343, W 88.17836)
Local Food and Lodging: Nearest food and lodging is at the US-18, I-94 interchange (exit 297 on I-94)
Local Pub and grub: Duplainville Station Pub & Grill just north of the tracks on Duplainville Rd.
TRAINS Article: TRAINS July 2010
Picture (Google image)
Duplainville Junction, no public