Fostoria OH 44830 (population, 13,244)
GPS: N 41.15250, W 83.41133 Google map
Scanner: CSX 160.230 [8], 160.320 [14], 161.520 [94]; NS 161.250 [76]
Railroads: CSX (ex B&O) Great Lakes Div, Fostoria Sub, MP 36.6; CSX (ex C&O) Appalachian Div, Columbus Sub,
MP 87; Norfolk Southern Lake Div, NW Sub, MP 280
Description: Fostoria, Ohio is located in north central Ohio. At Fostoria, known widely as “The Iron Triangle“, you
will find a rare triple diamond - three diamonds within ˝ mile of each other, The CSX (former B&O Chicago Line
crosses the CSX (former C&O Columbus Sub) and the NS (Fort Wayne District - former Nickel Plate). There is a
high volume of rail traffic in Fostoria approaching 110 trains a day. Good railfanning is available at the new (2013)
Railpark within the triangle. “F” Tower used to be the hub of all RR communications at the junctions but is now
closed and those duties are handled by the Indianapolis Dispatcher, I'm assuming. Scanner activity is perhaps the
heaviest and most interesting in the country because of the three diamonds.. The city owned Railfan Park was
completed in 2013, complete with restrooms and good parking. It is located in the NE corner of the Iron Triangle,
with the entrance off Poplar St
Approximate # trains per 24 hours: 100+
Nearby RR stuff: 20 miles to the west on SR-18 in North Baltimore, CSX has an intermodal yard. Limited views can
be obtained from the overpass at the east end of the yard.
Other interesting or fun stuff: Fostoria is known for its glass heritage. A natural gas boom in the 1880s, the
railroad lines, and recruiting efforts by the community caused Fostoria to become home for numerous glass factories,
including the Mambourg Glass Company (the city's first glass factory), the Fostoria Glass Company, the Seneca Glass
Company, the Novelty Glass Company, and others. Today there is a small museum, The Glass Heritage Gallery at 109
N. Main St.
Local Fast Food: Convenience stores and fast food outlets are available North on County Line Rd. (US-23)
N 41.1586, W 83.4211
Local Food: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner may be had 3 blocks north on Main Street at Dell’s restaurant. Let’s call it
a greasy spoon, but they are friendly and the food is good. N 41.1559, W 83.4138; Also the Whistle Stop Deli, 3
blocks south of the Railpark on Poplar at 210 E Lytle St, N 41.15081, W 83.41126 for sandwiches, etc.
Local Pub and grub: Kemosabe’s, is located east on Sandusky Rd. (US-12) N 41.16534, W 83.40139, A great
Ice Cream: Soft serve ice cream is available at the Whippy Dip N 41.1538, W 83.4138 in season, one block north of
the B&O station on Main.
Best choice for lodging: Clean, comfortable lodging is available at Best Western Fostoria Inn & Suites north on US-23
(N 41.1806, W 83.4205). Note: The property changed ownership late in 2014; and continues to be very railfan
Personal observations: All in all, Fostoria is one of the greatest spots in the Midwest to railfan. There are lots of
trains, lots of people, and lots of history. Although the boom in gas and glass is long over, railroads continue to be
important to the community. The City of Fostoria, aided by the Railroad Preservation Society, and by a $815,760
grant from the an Ohio Department of Transportation, has constructed the train viewing park, within the perimeter
of the three diamonds, in 2013 to help capitalize on the thousands of railfans who visit yearly.
TRAINS Trackside October 2013
Visitor Info: Trip Advisor - Fostoria
Fostoria Map courtesy of Todd Sestero
Fostoria Scanner Frequencies
CSX F Dispatcher AAR 08 160.230
CSX Willard Sub AAR 94 161.520
CSX Columbus Sub AAR 12 160.320
CSX Yard AAR 70 161.160
CSX Pemberville Sub AAR 35 160.635
NS Mixing Center AAR 92 161.490
NS Yard AAR 56 160.950
NS Fostoria District AAR 76 161.250
NS Detector Ilers Milepost 275.4
NS Detector Arcadia Milepost 285.5
CSX Bascom Detector Milepost 31.1
Fostoria B&O Station
Railpark looking east
Railpark looking west