Conneaut, OH 44030 (population, 12,841)
GPS: N 41.94958, W 80.55864 Google map
Scanner: CSX 160.995 [59] (&?), NS 161.070 [64], 160.800 [46], 160.860 [50]; B&LE 160.830 [48],
160.500 [26], 160.920 [54], 161.310 [80]
Railroads: CSX Great Lakes Div, Erie West Sub MP 114.5; Norfolk Southern Lake Div, NW Sub, Buffalo District,
MP 116 (at Chestnut St.)
Description: Conneaut, OH in extreme northeast Ohio hosts three railroads, CSX, Norfolk Southern, and Bessemer &
Lake Erie (div of Canadian National). This is a former Nickel Plate shop town. CSX and NS run through freights. It
is a crew change point for NS, and B&LE serves the coal and ore docks on Lake Erie.
Approximate # trains per 24 hours: 85 (CSX, 49; NS, 36)
Nearby RR stuff: There is a small railroad museum, The Conneaut Railroad Museum, located at 363 Depot Street.
Other interesting or fun stuff: Conneaut (KON-ee-ot) is a city in Ashtabula County, Ohio, along Lake Erie at the
mouth of Conneaut Creek, which is the number one Steelhead trout stream in the country. On March 27, 1953 a
three-train collision near Conneaut resulted in the deaths of 21 persons
All restaurant info comes from the Visitors Bureau
Local breakfast: Basil’s Café, 182 Park Ave, N 41.96559, W 80.55101
Fast Food: McDonalds, 312 State Street, N 41.94398, W 80.55804
Ice Cream: Dairy Queen, 1009 Main Street N 41.93735, W 80.58097
Local Pub and grub: Rainbow Beef & Beer, 57 Under Ridge Rd. N 41.91153, W 80.56779
Lodging: Days Inn Hotel, 600 Days Blvd N 41.91997, W 80.56760
Personal Note: I was there, briefly, in April of 2015, The Museum was closed, it is only open from Memorial day to
Labor day. It's not an extensive museum, It is volunteer run, but has a NKP Berkshire and a B&LE Caboose on static
display. It's worth a stop if you are nearby.
Conneaut map from RAILROAD and RAILFAN Magazine