Bellevue, OH 44811 (population, 8202)
GPS: N 41.27021, W 82.83738 (the Platform) Google map
Scanner: NS 160.440 [22], 161.190 [72], 161.250 [76]; WLE, 161.025 [61]
Railroads: Norfolk Southern Lake Div, NW Sub Toledo Dist. MP 53;
Description: Bellevue is a City in North Central Ohio and the location of the Mad River & NKP Museum at the NS
Tracks, (N 41.27062, W 82.84066) At the end of 2014, a Railfan viewing platform was constructed on Monroe St
(N 41.27021, W 82.83738); other good railfan spots are spread around town. Just follow the tracks.
Approximate # trains per 24 hours: 30+
Nearby RR stuff: Across the street from the platform, is the NS control tower The NS yards NE of Town (N
41.29049, W 82.78307) has undergone a significant expansion. As with most rail yards, there is no access for
photography except at highway overpasses.
Local Fast Food: Wendy’s N 41.27570, W82.84793, and Burger King N 41.27746, W 82.85483 W Main, (US-20)
Ice Cream: Cold Rush Dairy Bar, N 41.28314, W 82.87466 2 mi west of town on US-20
Lodging: Bellevue Hotel & Suites, 1120 E Main St, Bellevue, N 41.27164, W 82.82481, Dated but clean according to
reviews. More choices 15 miles north near Sandusky.
Personal observations: The MR&NKP has an impressive collection of prototype equipment.
TRAINS Article: March 2014
Tourist info: Bellevue Tourism. Com
<Clik for Bellevue, OH weather>
Map courtesy of Todd Sestero
Histories, maps and
overviews of the yard
Bellevue Kemper Rail Park on Monroe St.
Bellevue Tower across the street from the platform