Savanna, IL 61074 (population, 4,331)
GPS: N 42.09025, W 90.15535 Google map
Scanner: BNSF 161.100 [66], 161.160 [79], 161.415 [87]; CP 161.370 [84], 161.085 [65]
Railroads: BNSF Chicago Division, Aurora Sub; Canadian Pacific (DME) Quad Cities Division, Chicago Sub
Description: At Savanna, BNSF routes from Chicago and Galesburg merge and continue north on the double track line
the Mississippi River to the Twin Cities. CP’s DM&E division
(ex IC&E, ex I&M Rail Link, ex Milwaukee Road)
bridge crosses the Mississippi from Sabula, IA to Savanna, IL; then crosses BNSF line at grade just south of downtown.
There is a pedestrian bridge for the Great River Trail that parallels the BNSF and crosses the CP that gives good views
of the trains.
Approximate # trains per 24 hours: 44
Nearby RR stuff: The Savanna Train Car Museum, Hiawatha train car # 261 transformed into a museum houses a
large collection of RR memorabilia, at the south end of Main St. N 42.09072, W 90.15519
Local Breakfast: The Kountry Kettle, 1801 Chicago Ave. N 42.09474, W 90.13058
Fast Food: McDonalds, 1240 Chicago Ave, N 42.08959, W 90.13391;
Taco Bell, 44 Main St, N 42.09140, W 90.15503
Ice Cream: Shivers, 708 Main St, N 42.09766, W 90.15736
Local Pub and grub: Iron Horse Social Club, 314 Main St. N 42.09371, W 90.15649
Lodging: Savanna Inn & Suites, 101 Valley View Dr, N 42.09114, W 90.13381
Savanna Chamber of Commerce, 313 Main St, Savanna N 42.09371, W 90.15683