Rochelle, IL 61068 (population, 9574)
GPS: N 41.92045, W 89.07119 Google map
Scanner: UP: 161.040 [62]; BNSF: 161.100 [66], 161.160 [70], 161.385 [85]; CIR: 160.455 [23], 160.950 [56]
Railroads: Union Pacific Illinois Division, Geneva Sub; BNSF Chicago Division, Aurora Sub; CIR, City of Rochelle RR
Description: A rail junction of the Union Pacific, (former CNW) double track main and the Burlington Northern Santa
Fe (former CB&Q) single main with a passing siding. At the rail junction N 41.9202, W 89.0741, the City of Rochelle
built an exceptional railfan park. The park includes a large
covered, raised pavilion with electricity, picnic tables, a
charcoal grill, lighted paved parking, some historical displays, restrooms, and a gift/snack shop.
Approximate # trains per 24 hours: about 80+, (50 UP, and 30 BNSF)
Nearby RR stuff: CIR - City of Rochelle Railroad, N 41.90850, W 89.03643
City of Rochelle owned, operated by Burlington Junction Railway is a switch carrier connecting with BNSF Railway and
Union Pacific Railroad; Burlington Junction Railway (BJRY) is a Class III shortline railroad which operates industrial
switching rail lines in Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri, Including the Industrial Park Area in SE Rochelle in SE Rochelle; Union
Pacific Depot, 230 N Main St, N 41.92135, W 89.06556; UPs Global III intermodal yard, just west of Rochelle.
N 41.89823, W 89.13141 Closed July 2019 May be repurposed as locally owned); The Illinois Railway Museum is
located 50 mi. NE of Rochelle in Union, IL N 42.22875, W 88.53062

Rochell RR Park Pavilion
Annotated Google map